राजधानी में Ride with Pride से सफर करना पड़ेगा महंगा, सुक्खू सरकार ने HRTC की टैक्यियों के किराया 50% बढ़ाया, अधिसूचना जारी, पढ़ें पूरी खबर..       शिमला के कृष्णानगर में लकड़ी के मकान में लगी भीषण आग, मचा हड़कंप, Video में देखें खौफनाक मंजर..       हिमाचल प्रदेश के राज्यपाल शिव प्रताप शुक्ला के काफिले का एक्सीडेंट, राज्यपाल सुरक्षित ACP समेत 3 लोग घायल, पढ़ें पूरी खबर..       हिमाचल अवैध मस्जिद विवाद, प्रदर्शन के दौरान एक व्यक्ति की मौत, मृतक की पहचान कांगू निवासी वीरेंद्र परमार के रूप में हुई, देखें पूरी खबर: Video       हिमाचल में अब मुस्लिमों के आधार कार्ड पर विवाद, पुलिस के पास पहुंची शिकायत, गुम्मा बाजार में 88 में 46 की जन्मतिथि 1 जनवरी, पढ़ें पूरी खबर..       Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu addressing the house during the monsoon Session of HP Vidhan Sabha on 3rd Sept. 2024.       लोकसभा चुनाव 2024: NDA तीसरी बार... लेकिन क्या अपने दम पर बहुमत पा सकेगी BJP ? पढ़ें पूरी खबर..       केजरीवाल पर आतंकी संगठन से ₹133 करोड़ लेने के आरोप, LG बोले- NIA जांच हो, पढ़ें पूरी खबर.       Students of Ivy International School created history by going to ISRO       'कारण बताओ...', हिमाचल में इस्तीफा देने वाले तीन निर्दलीय MLA को विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ने जारी किया नोटिस, हिमाचल के तीन निर्दलीय विधायकों का कहां फंस रहा पेंच ? पढ़ें पूरी खबर..      

Himachal | Shimla

Tourism Industry in Himachal has again come to a grinding halt.

April 15, 2021 05:04 PM

Shimla: The tourism industry is loosing summer Tourist season for conjectively second year due to outbreak of second layer of COVID 19. Recent advisory issued by the Government regarding carrying of 72 hours old covid negative report mandatory for tourists coming from seven heavy loaded states has completely stopped the inflow of tourists to Himachal. The financial health of Tourism industry stake holders is already in a bad shape due to complete closure of tourism units for seven to eight months last year.The industry was slowly heading towards revival due to free flow of tourists . The stakeholders were atleast getting some revenue to meet their expanses up to some extent .But the out break of second layer of Crona has broken the back bone of Tourism industry in Himachal. (ADVT2)

The tourism of himachal is seasonal and the major revenue generation upto 65% of the total revenue of the year comes in the summer season starting from 15 th march to 25thJuly.The tourists from Maharashtra and Gujarat contributes maximum occupancy for hotels in the month of March and April , which is slipped from the hands of the hoteliers.  (ADVT5)

The hotel bussiness is perishable once the tourism unit loose the occupancy the revenue loss cannot be recovered the next day.It has become difficult for the stake holders to keep their units running due to shortage of funds. The100 % advance bookings are being cancelled.The recent advisory issued by the state government regarding mandatory carrying of negative crona report by the tourists coming from seven states completely stopped the inflow of tourists .Even the bussiness travelers coming from other states are not ready to provide their services due to mandatory requirement of negative report.  (ADVT3)

we urge the government to do away the advisory issued to carry negative report.we further request the government to charge subsidised tariff for two years for water, property tax , garbage fee, and completely abolish demand charges and other fees charged from the hotel industry and give 75 % on bar fees to save the tourism industry which is already on a ventilator due to lack of funds required for day to day running expenses.There is a need to defer the repayments of EMI of loans for atleast six months without any penality to save loans slippage to NPA.  (ADVT5)

We request the honorable chief minister to provide financial assistance to the Tourism Industry in the shape of OD/working capital limits through state cooperative banks without coletrol security at a nominal rate of interest because the second conjective main summer season is going to slip from the hands of the tourism stake holders.In case the financial help is not provided to the ailing tourism industry it will completely collapse which is contributing about 8 % of the GDP. Apart from this there will be a mass unemployment due to cut in employment by the tourism units. We urge the government to take up the matter with the central government to announce special financial package for himachal to cover above relief to the tourism industry of Himachal which is totally dependent on seasonal bussiness.more over we don't think the tourism industry will come on self dependece level for another two years.  (ADVT4) (ADVT5)

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शिमला के कृष्णानगर में लकड़ी के मकान में लगी भीषण आग, मचा हड़कंप, Video में देखें खौफनाक मंजर..

हिमाचल प्रदेश के राज्यपाल शिव प्रताप शुक्ला के काफिले का एक्सीडेंट, राज्यपाल सुरक्षित ACP समेत 3 लोग घायल, पढ़ें पूरी खबर..

हिमाचल अवैध मस्जिद विवाद, प्रदर्शन के दौरान एक व्यक्ति की मौत, मृतक की पहचान कांगू निवासी वीरेंद्र परमार के रूप में हुई, देखें पूरी खबर: Video

हिमाचल में अब मुस्लिमों के आधार कार्ड पर विवाद, पुलिस के पास पहुंची शिकायत, गुम्मा बाजार में 88 में 46 की जन्मतिथि 1 जनवरी, पढ़ें पूरी खबर..

Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu addressing the house during the monsoon Session of HP Vidhan Sabha on 3rd Sept. 2024.

लोकसभा चुनाव 2024: NDA तीसरी बार... लेकिन क्या अपने दम पर बहुमत पा सकेगी BJP ? पढ़ें पूरी खबर..

केजरीवाल पर आतंकी संगठन से ₹133 करोड़ लेने के आरोप, LG बोले- NIA जांच हो, पढ़ें पूरी खबर.

Students of Ivy International School created history by going to ISRO

'कारण बताओ...', हिमाचल में इस्तीफा देने वाले तीन निर्दलीय MLA को विधानसभा अध्यक्ष ने जारी किया नोटिस, हिमाचल के तीन निर्दलीय विधायकों का कहां फंस रहा पेंच ? पढ़ें पूरी खबर..

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